
The ministry of deacon is one of compassion, witness, and service. Our deacon board is divided into four teams with different ministry priorities.


Our deacons prioritize reaching out to those who are lonely, overlooked, in distress, or just looking for a visit. If you, or someone you know is in need of a phone call or visit, contact us at

Meal Train

Whether a new baby, a surgery or a loss of a loved one, receiving a warm meal can be lifegiving. If you, or someone you know would benefit from a meal or two during a difficult time, contact us at

Grief Ministry

It has been said “all of life is grief.” Sometimes those moments are more acute than others. This deacon team seeks to come alongside those walking the long road of grief. We are always learning how best to come alongside one another. Whether it’s the loss of a loved one, loss of a job, change in quality of life, or even adjusting to your new role as a caregiver for someone you love, the deacons are available to come alongside. If you, or someone you know is suffering loss and would benefit from knowing someone will walk with them, contact us at


Getting to the church or getting to the doctors, our deacons will do their best to help! If you, or someone you know could use a ride to church or have an unexpected transportation need, contact us at

Current Deacon Board

Class of 2025

Betty Brownley 1
Judy Jensen 1
Kathy Lockwood 1
Lori Diaz 1 

Class of 2026

Mary Eyer 1
Kathy Green 1
Lynn Meeds 1
Gary Spees 2

Margaret Campbell, Moderator

Class of 2027

Brittany Kirkpatrick 2
Sheri Powell-Shipe 1
Athena Sparrow 1
Sharon Wasson 1